About Us
Grace exists to gather the convinced and unconvinced into community, where we grow as Jesus does His work of forgiving and renewing, so that we go out to live for a story bigger than ourselves.
Gathering takes place through Sunday worship, community groups, and events, as well as a variety of other venues. The Christian life is a community project. Even if you’re not yet a Christian, gathering with other Christians is vital—as belonging often happens before believing.
The work of Jesus takes place as we worship, pray, cry, serve, love, help, celebrate, and encourage one another. By His Spirit, we are transformed, becoming more like what God intended humanity to be. The road to sanctification may be long, but we’re called to walk it together.
We are blessed to be a blessing, which means that followers of Jesus are to be “in the world, not of the world, but for the world.” God’s ultimate goal is to one day make all things new, but He also wants us to bring the hope of new creation into the here and now.
Grace Pres was established in 2000, desiring to be a community centered on the gospel of Jesus Christ and committed to His mission. In 2010, Grace launched a second site in the San Jose area and continued as a multi-site church until November of 2018, when that second site became its own congregation, Grace South Bay. In April 2022, we began worshiping at our new ministry home on N. California Ave in Palo Alto. Grace is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church in America.
There are many layers of leadership at Grace, including pastors, elders, and diaconal mercy team members, as well as numerous lay volunteers who play absolutely vital roles in serving and leading us with their gifts. In addition, we have full-time and part-time staff who are characterized by a spirit of cooperation and mutual support for the sake of fulfilling our mission.

Before joining Grace Staff at the end of 2019, Grace had previously worked as a government liaison with oil and gas equipment companies. She also spent several years in Human Resources specializing in talent attraction. Attracting humans to God's Kingdom has been her most fulfilling job to date.
Grace values ministering to the littlest ones in our midst because of two deep convictions- that each child has an eternal soul, and that our period of influence with the kids is limited. She has been involved with children's ministry ever since her teens and has volunteered with Young Life back in the day when she could pass as "cool".
On the weekends, you'll find Grace cheering for whichever Little League team her sons are on, or heading out with her husband and three children (Ethan, Eva and Evan) for hikes. If you're (un)lucky, you might also catch the whole family dancing to Meghan Trainor or belting out a Disney soundtrack in their living room.

Abhishikth met his wife Patricia during the chai hour at New City Fellowship church in Bangalore. Abhishikth and Patricia have two children, Zoe-Grace and Aaron. Abhishikth loves cricket. Abhishikth’s hobbies include keeping up with pop culture, watching world cinema, and introducing new wave regional Indian movies beyond Bollywood to his American friends

Previously, Caroline worked as an investigative journalist covering health care. She loves reading, music, and baking. She lives in Sunnyvale with her husband Daniel and their son Nathan.

In 2020, Kristyn came on staff at Grace as Executive Director of Operations to manage the church's finances and other administrative aspects of the ministry. She lives in Menlo Park with her husband, Jack, and their four kids. Her happy place is watching college football on Saturday mornings in the Fall.

In 2020 they moved to Palo Alto for James to carry out his post-doctorate at Stanford. Annabel writes stories for fun in hopes that they will make people laugh, connect with the reader, and be a sliding door into a new perspective. She joined the Grace Pres team in 2023 in the communications role. Her mission is to ensure our congregation feels truly at home, establishing effective communications and fostering a welcoming atmosphere within our church community.
When she is not at Church, you can find her climbing up rock walls, pitching a tent in the Santa Cruz mountains, or splashing in fountains with her family.

Kathy received her Master of Arts in Counseling from Westminster Theological Seminary in 2023 and has completed the coursework for the Formation Certificate from the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation.
She and her husband, Jim, have three grown children, two spirited grandchildren, and a “career change” Guide Dog for the Blind named Rosie. Hiking, reading, laughing, and time with dear friends feed her soul, as does a morning cup of good coffee.

David also loves finding new places to eat, cycling, college football, snow skiing, live music, and great coffee – especially when these things are shared with others. His heart is for Grace to always feel like a place where you are “free to struggle” instead of “struggling to be free.”

Some of her favorite activities are walking her dog Milly while chatting with a girlfriend, spending an entire day cooking in the kitchen, sitting at the beach for hours doing absolutely nothing, making vacation memories with her daughters and sons-in-law, and babysitting her grandchildren.

Rod married his best friend and former colleague, Gwen, in September 1991. They are still nuts about each other and are the proud parents of 3 twenty-something boys: Reid, who lives in San Anselmo with his wife, Carly; Kevin, who lives in San Francisco with his wife, Anna; and Rick, who lives in Washington, DC.
Rod is a 2004 graduate of Reformed Theological Seminary where he earned his MDIV. Before that, he managed the loan syndications business and currency risk management business for Wachovia Securities and Wachovia Bank, respectively. Rod spent 15 years at Wachovia working in New York and Atlanta. While a banker, he served as a Deacon and then Ruling Elder at Intown Community Church in Atlanta.
Rod loves being a pastor, taking sports photography, hiking, and hanging out with his family and friends. He is passionate about loving and equipping pastors and other leaders and will talk about the gospel with anybody, anytime!

After not growing up as a Christian, she found Jesus in 2017 while attending Grace, and is so thankful for the sweet way God pursued her through the welcoming community of this church. For five years before she joined the staff, she volunteered as a 2nd/3rd grade leader for GraceKids. As the Elementary Director, she loves using her teaching experience to continue to serve the little ones of our church, and hopes Sundays can be a time where each kid feels God’s love and the hope that the gospel brings us!
Some of her favorite activities include taking long walks, baking new treats for family and friends, reading at a coffee shop, and watching an absurd amount of cooking shows. She lives in Palo Alto with her husband Hunter and their two children.

After working for RUF for five years, Jess came on staff at Grace in May 2018 to serve as the Director of Creative Arts and Congregational Care and interim Worship Director, or affectionately known as the Director of Colors and Feelings. She currently coordinates our worship team and crafts our Sunday services by choosing songs, Scripture readings and prayers that complement the preaching of the Word.
When she’s not making music, Jess loves listening to music — discovering new artists and going to see her favorites live. She loves hosting movie nights and trying out new recipes on her dinner guests. She is also a part of the Crossfit community and likes to lift heavy things.

Asha's background is in biomedical data science. Some of her favorite things are cappuccinos made by her husband, Hudson, dough rising on the kitchen counter, and unwrapping her little baby boy from his swaddle in the morning.